What is CPR?
The construction products regulation is a piece of legislation that includes all types of products used in the building industry e.g. doors, windows, cement, plasterboard etc. Anything that is fixed into the fabric of the building is within the scope and must comply.
As of 1st July 2017, it became obligatory for cables, having an intended use for permanent installation in domestic, commercial and industrial premises and other civil engineering works anywhere in the European Union to comply with the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
It applies to power, communications and fibre optic cables irrespective of manufacturing locations.
This requirement relates only to the Reaction to Fire performance of the cables.
Any products already on the market prior to this date can continue to be sold and supplied without reference to CPR.
To comply with CPR, Cable shall be tested and certified by a notified testing authority and be allocated a CPR classification ranging from Aca to Fca (see table below) depending on their flame characteristics. Additional classifications with reference to smoke generation, flaming droplets and acidity are also required dependant on classification.
What is AVCP?
The Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) is a harmonised system defining how to assess products and control the constancy of the assessment results. This system safeguards the reliability and accuracy of the Declaration of Performance.
Three different systems are in place for cables as below;
System 1+ (Aca, B1ca, B2ca & Cca)
This requires the manufacturer to use a Notified Testing Authority for:
- Initial inspection of plant and factory production control
- Initial type testing
- Issue of Classification Report and Certificate of Constancy of Performance
- Surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control, twice per year
- Audit testing of samples
The manufacturer must also undertake internal FPC & routine audit testing.
System 3 (Dca & Eca)
This requires the manufacturer to use a Notified Test Laboratory for:
- Initial type testing
- Issue of Classification Report
The manufacturer must also undertake internal FPC & routine audit testing.
System 4 (Fca)
Manufacturers are able to conduct their own tests and make their own classifications to class Fca.

FIGRA Fire growth rate index used for classification purposes [W/s]
PCS PCS gross heat of combustion [MJ/kg]
THR1200s THR1200s total heat release (HRRsm30) from test start until end of test, excluding contribution from ignition source [MJ]
TSP1200s TSP1200s total smoke production (SPRsm60) from test start until end of test [m2]
Peak HRR Peak HRR = HRR = maximum value of heat release, excluding the burner output, determined during the whole burner application time, averaged over 30 s expressed in [kW]
Peak SPR Peak SPR = SPR = maximum value of smoke production, determined during the whole burner application time, averaged over 60 s, expressed in [m2/s]
FS FS vertical flame spread [m] equals the damaged length of the sample
H H vertical flame spread [mm] as defined in 3.1.17
m’ m’ mean value of the set of results of a continuous parameter determined in accordance with the relevant test method using the minimum number of tests as specified in the test method
m m mean value of the set of results

Displaying CPR information?
The regulation is very clear that the packaging (usually a drum, spool or box) must carry specific information relating to the product CPR performance, almost always detailed on the label. This will include the CE or UKCA mark, DoP (Declaration of Performance) reference, Notified Body number and unique product code and manufacture details.
The legislation stipulates that the cable itself does not have to be printed or embossed to show CPR compliance, however BCC opts to do this with all System 1+ items.
CPR Responsibilities?
It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to supply compliant cabling to the market, and the responsibility of the end user to instruct which classification of cabling is required in their installation. There is no legal responsibility on the installer.
Each country within the European Union have different CPR classification levels for various applications. Countries implement the standard in line with their regional requirements. For example, hospitals require a B2ca rating in some countries, but only a Cca rating in others.
To achieve standards compliance in the UK, it is important to choose a cable with a CPR classification of a minimum of Cca, s1b, d2, a2 – as stipulated in BS6701:2016+A1:2017. This applies to any new installations or the refurbishment and/or extension of existing installations within the external fire barrier of the building
BS6701:2016+A1:2017 is only relevant to telecommunications cable.
What is UKCA?
UKCA stands for UK Conformity Assessed. The UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) mark is due to replace the European Union’s CE markings on products sold in England, Wales and Scotland.
Effective as of January 1, 2023, it is a new product marking for goods sold into the UK entering the market.
The UK approval scheme is a mirror of the current CPR CE scheme, with all EN standards becoming UK designated standards and are identical to their EN equivalents.
The scheme mirrors the EU Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) systems, the testing and factory production audit processes.
UKCA Frequently Asked Questions
As a part of the move away from CE marking to UKCA, the UK Government has allowed a transitional period, which means until January 1, 2023, you will be permitted to use CE marked product that fulfils the below criteria and are:
• Covered by a harmonised European standard, which is the same as a UK designated standard
• Affixed with CE marking
• Accompanied by a manufacturer’s declaration of performance
• Assessed by an EU-recognised notified body, where third party assessment is required.
The UK approval scheme is a mirror of the current CPR CE scheme, with all EN standards will becoming UK designated standards and will be identical to the EN’s. In this way, the Assessment and Verification of Performance: AVCP (testing and FPC) will be no different